Number 3 Numerology Compatibility

Compatibility for people born on 3, 12, 21 or 30 of any month

The ruling planet for number 3 is Jupiter and number 1 Sun. The combination of these two numbers makes a very successful relationship as the number 1 person is a leader, ambitious and career oriented while number 3 is also multifaceted, intelligent and cultured. Their characteristics can support each other well in their growth however, both numbers have the characteristics to be self centered and egoistic, hence need to be checked in relationship

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 2 is for Moon. Number 3 people are socially inclined, luxury loving, outspoken, bold and multifaceted while number 2 people are hardworking, home loving, sensitive, shy and adjustable but having a lack of confidence and often confused. In this relationship, the nature of both the partners is opposite so it is necessary to make balance and adjustments

The ruling planet for number 3 is Jupiter. In this relationship both are strong, egoistic, stubborn, talented, versatile and restless. If these two numbers are combined together, it is necessary to understand and give freedom to each other. Both would like to live life in their own way. With the help of each other they can win all the challenges of the world

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 4 is for Uranus. Number 3 is sharp, strong, impulsive, talented and adventurous while number 4 is reserved, practical, calculative and home loving .The characteristics of both the numbers are different. To make any kind of relationship it is necessary to develop a proper understanding between the two partners

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 5 is for Mercury. This is one of the best combinations and never faces any boring movement in life. Number 3 and 5 are almost alike both are energetic, adventurous, talented, charming, optimistic and lucky in love and money. Here the number 3 is talented and work hard to make money and number 5 is committed and spend wisely

The ruling planet for number 3 is Jupiter and for number 6 is Venus. This is a good combination as number 3 person enjoys life with number 6 and number 6 grows in all aspects under the wise partner of number 3. These two numbers spend their life blissfully with each other. Both have similar likes and dislikes. Number 3 represents mastermind and 6 is the number of common sense thus the combination is excellent

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 7 is for Neptune. These two numbers are naturally attracted to each other. Number 3 is the symbol of mastermind and number 7 is for sacrifice. This combination makes a very successful partnership based on mutual respect, love, understanding and set up a perfect bonding together successfully

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 8 is for Saturn. Number 3 people are socially inclined, luxury loving, outspoken, bold and multifaceted. Number 8 is highly ambitious, materialistic, strong, dynamic and power seeker. Here both the numbers are very strong and have high ego thus it is necessary to maintain peace

Number 3 is for Jupiter and number 9 is for Mars. This is a perfect relationship as number 3 is the mastermind and number 9 is practical. Both are artistic, imaginative, creative, easy going, optimistic and positive. Their characteristics and interests are almost similar. This relationship is blissful from God as their emotions and passions are well matched with each other